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What is your shooting style?On your wedding day, you should be focused on having the best day of your lives, and not having to worry about a camera being shoved in your face or someone barking instructions at you. We have a very candid and relaxed style of filming. We like to blend into the background and capture the day as it happens. We might ask you to kiss, walk somewhere or do a little dance but really we are just focused on what is really happening!
What sort of video will we get?The '80s were a great time for music and fashion, but the one-shot single-camera wedding videos your parents got need to stay in the past! We capture the best bits of your day and edit them into a cinematic short film that looks even better than how you remembered your day The benefit of this is that you: a) get to look like a superstar in your very own film b) it's easy for you to share online for everyone to see Our main videos are generally between 5-10 minutes long and we also supply a separate version with your vows included. Our big and middle package also includes all of your speeches and vows in full.
Can we have all our raw footage?In short, no. We shoot with a final edit in mind. This means that we shoot hundreds of short clips that we then edit into our final cinematic film. As a result, we shoot lots of clips that don't look very nice as raw clips but don't worry we pull it all together in the end. We gain nothing from keeping nice clips from you so if it didn't make it into the final film there is probably a very good reason. We promise to supply you with the best bits of the day and you won't miss a thing - trust us! However, if you still want to see every single aspect of your day we can provide you with a long-form edit of everything we have shot. We don't colour correct it, add pretty music or anything. We simply cut it all together and trim the clips where we are setting up a shot or pulling focus and there you have it. This can be added to any package for an additional $800.
Can we choose our own music?Eddy Sheeran is great, but there is a reason he is worth millions of dollars; he charges a lot! Most of the songs from your favourite artists' costs thousands of dollars to license for wedding films and without proper licensing, we will probably get sued. Plus we wouldn't want someone stealing our video's I'm sure Ed doesn't want someone stealing his songs. We use licensed songs in your video from amazing music licensing sites that help support up and coming musicians. We spend days searching for the perfect song that helps capture your wedding day perfectly and matches your personalities. ​ If you do have a spare $10K to spend on a song though let us know and we will tell you why you should spend that money on getting married in Italy instead.
We can't pose! Is this a problem?Not at all. Your wedding day is first and foremost about you having the best day of your lives surrounded by your closest friends and families; it is not a photoshoot. The two of you being happy and comfortable gives us way better footage than we could ever direct. Plus you don't want the added stress of us or the photographer telling you where to go, what to do, and how to stand. ​ If you want a list of some of the awesome candid photographers (or any other vendors), just ask us!
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